Slik Chik

Slik Chik 303 was originally designed for use as an anti-sticking agent in the poultry processing industry. It prevents chicken skin from sticking to the surface of packaging or any other material with which product may come into incidental contact. Slik Chik 303 is bland in taste, so does not impart any unwanted flavour on the finished product.

Slik Chik 303 is suitable for use as a generic release agent in a wide range of food industries.

Slik Chik 303 may be applied to any surface with which product comes into contact during the manufacturing process including packaging, bowls, pans, trays and conveyors. It is intended to be applied by automatic spraying systems, but may be applied with manual spraying systems or with brushes or felt rollers.

Slik ChikPoultry Anti Sticking AgentRelease Agent Chicken Processing

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Product is offered in a range of pack sizes including 10 and 20 litre / kg packs, 205 litre drums and 1000 litre IBC and Pallecon. The product type and usage conditions often play a part in determining the appropriate pack size and type for a given application. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.